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Curriculum Vitae

Zaw Lin Htoo

Currently a Ph.D. student at Centre for Quantum Technologies in the group of Valerio Scarani. My primary research is about the certification of quantumness under assumptions about the time evolution of the system, with secondary interests in the theoretical and numerical study of quantum devices.


Ph.D. in Physics (in progress)

Centre for Quantum Technologies

National University of Singapore

January 2021 — Present

B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics

Thesis: Randomised Benchmarking with Gate-Dependent Noise [NTU Digitial Repository, PDF, Slides]
Award: Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal (most outstanding graduate)

Nanyang Technological University

August 2016 — June 2020

Diploma (with Merit) in Mass Communication

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Award: BBC Worldwide Silver Medal (2nd most outstanding graduate) April 2011 — May 2014


(Note: arXiv links are open access, and are always updated to reflect the final published version)

Dynamics-based Certification of Nonclassicality and Entanglement


(Note: arXiv links are open access, and are always updated to reflect the final published version)

Dynamics-based Certification of Nonclassicality and Entanglement

Theoretical and Numerical Studies of Quantum Devices

Information-theoretic Thermodynamics

Talks and Posters

Tsirelson’s Precession Protocol: A Theory-independent Bound Saturated by Quantum Mechanics, and Other Generalisations

Contributed talk

24th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference

29 August 2024

Witnessing Non-Gaussian Entanglement in cQED Devices With Conditional Displacement Gates


24th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference

29 August 2024

Non-Gaussian Entanglement Witnesses Using Quadrature Measurements or Conditional Displacement Gates


6th Seefeld Workshop on Quantum Information

25 June 2024

Certifying Non-Gaussian Entanglement With Conditional Displacement Gates

Contributed talk

19th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop

4 June 2024

Dynamics-based Certification of Quantumness: Beyond Harmonic Systems

Contributed talk

Institute of Physics Meeting 2023

27 September 2023

Detecting Nonclassicality in Precessions: Beyond Harmonic Systems

Invited talk

Workshop on Mechanical Advantage
IQOQI Vienna

11–13 September 2023

Dynamics-based certification of nonclassicality and entanglement

Contributed talk

18th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop

6 September 2023

Dynamics-based Witnesses of Nonclassicality and Entanglement


23rd Asian Quantum Information Science Conference

29 August 2023

Detecting quantumness and entanglement with uniform precessions

Seminar talk [link to recorded talk]

Research Visit to IQOQI Vienna

27 October 2022

Detecting quantumness and entanglement with precessions

Invited talk

Third Kyoto Workshop on Quantum Information, Computation, and Foundations

18 October 2022

Detecting Quantumness with Precessions in Harmonic and Anharmonic Systems

Contributed talk

Institute of Physics Meeting 2022

30 September 2022

Generating Entangled States With Identical Bosons

Invited talk

Q@TN Graduate Workshop In Quantum Science

14 December 2021

Boson Sculpting with Quasi-deterministic Subtraction of Trapped-ion Phonons

Contributed talk

Institute of Physics Meeting 2021

30 September 2021

Teaching and Mentoring

Teaching Assistance

  • Create and typeset questions for tutorials, homeworks, and assessments
  • Guide students during tutorial session and office hours

PC2130 Quantum Mechanics I

One semester per year, 2021—2023


Guide undergraduate students to carry out research projects

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROPS)

Three students, 2022—2024

Undergraduate Internship

Two interns, 2023

Outreach and Community

Quantum Theory: But, what is this good for?

Technical overview about the practical uses of quantum theory to an audience with some computer science background [link to slides, link to recorded talk]

Friday Hacks #249

NUS Hackers

3 November 2023

Why don’t you know Bell’s Theorem?

Popular science talk about entanglement and Bell’s theorem to a general audience [link to slides]

World Quantum Day 2023

Science Centre Singapore

14 April 2023

Lecturer (all years) and Committee Member (2022—2024)

A week-long summer camp that teachs quantum mechanics to high school students [link for more information, notes, and recorded lectures]
  • Prepared lecture, notes, and tutorials for given topic (Optical Qubits and Schrödinger’s Equation)
  • Designed logo, website, T-shirt, and other materials



Committee Member

A local community of young researchers working in the field of quantum science, which holds events and talks involving both academia and industry
  • Designed logo, posters, and other materials
  • Partook in event planning and logistics

Quantum Young Researchers Association (QYRA)
